Toddler Fayre Success

We had a fantastic time at our Toddler Fayres across the centres over the last couple of weeks and hope you did too. 

We met lots of new guests experiencing 360 for the first time and lots of stallholders promoting their products and classes for the children. We even had local libraries attend in some areas and the Police!

Watch out for the next Toddler Fayre in your area later in the year. If you have any queries re classes or having a stall next time just ask in-store and one of our managers would be delighted to help you.

We had so many lovely comments from stallholders and customers alike, here are just a few of them.

From our stallholders:

Phonics with Robot Reg

An amazing Toddler Fayre. It was really well organized. Lovely to see so many local businesses all together and I met so many wonderful families!

Moon Flower Photography

I’ve had a lovely day at the Toddler Fayre. Very well organised and I’ve met some amazing people along the way.

The Mindful Mama Club

I had a great day at the 360 Fayre. There were lots of lovely parents and children to meet and the event was really well organized.


From our Customers:

“Today has been amazing! I have made a lot of mum friends and we have signed up to lots of classes we are attending together. Thank you for bringing people together after such a bad time” – Kelly

“This Toddler Fayre has been more than what we expected! I got lots of goodies to take home for me and my little one!”- Indigo

“We forgot how much fun we had at 360 until we came to the Toddler Fayre. We love this place so much that we even bought a pass! Thanks for hosting!” 

We can’t wait for the next one – see you soon