New Year Baby and Toddler Fayre
Our January Baby and Toddler Fayres across the centres were successful for customers and stallholders.
With free entry until 2.00pm and a variety of stalls, along with the all the usual 360 Play facilities, we had a fantastic event. We met lots of new guests experiencing 360 for the first time and lots of stallholders promoting their products and classes for the children.
“This is a great way to see what is to offer at 360 Play”
“We came to see what classes were available for me and my little one to join in with”
“An amazing event!”
The next Toddler Fayres dates are:
Wednesday 19th April
Wednesday 6th September
If you have any queries re classes or having a stall next time just ask in-store and one of our managers would be delighted to help you.